Lusca - mythical beast of Bahamian legend

Lusca is a legendary creature of Bahamian folklore. Half-shark, half-octopus, she lurks among the deep waters of the inland caverns and blue holes that are found throughout the Bahama islands.

Local legend holds that she feeds on marine debris containing plankton and other small creatures that are brought in with the tidal currents. Some islanders believe that the tidal currents of the inland blue holes are, in fact, the breath of Lusca.  As she breathes in, water pours into the caverns, in some cases strongly enough to form a whirlpool, and when Lusca exhales, cold, clear water gushes to the surface. 

Each cycle of the tidal flow also brings food to nourish the real inhabitants of the blue holes, such as grouper, lobster and reef sharks. Lusca has long been thought of as the guardian of the dark blue holes. Even today, many local Bahamians steer clear of the mystical blue holes, making them safe havens for conch, sharks, spiny lobster and large grouper. 

Bahama Islands