Ginn Resort To Bolster Grand Bahama Economy


Posted by: Editor on Dec 12, 2006 – 12:12 PM
newsandinfo  Peter Adderley, president of public relations firm Creative Works, said Ginn’s decision to return the parade to the area after a nine year hiatus will bring new life to West End and, by extension, the entire island of Grand Bahama.

GINN Clubs & Resorts’ decision to sponsor the Boxing Day Parade in West End, Grand Bahama will have a major impact on the island’s economy, the organizer of the Feel The Rush Parade told The Tribune.

Peter Adderley, president of public relations firm Creative Works, said Ginn’s decision to return the parade to the area after a nine year hiatus will bring new life to West End and, by extension, the entire island of Grand Bahama.

Mr. Adderley said: This will be a boost to the economy when you consider the increase in room occupancy by persons who want to view the parade, the ground transportation required to get them to West End, the profits for the vendors who sell food and other items at the parade, as well as the actual cost of putting on the parade and the purchase of the tickets and materials for the costumes.”

Another factor added that beauty salons, barber shops and clothing stores will also get a boost in sales by persons wanting to look good for the holiday period. He said the parade will ensure that more Grand Bahamians remain home during the holidays.

“Traditionally, some persons would have traveled to Nassau to participate in the Boxing Day parade, but this year the West End parade, coupled with the cultural concert being planned for Christmas night, will bring new life to the holiday season on the island,” said Mr. Adderley.

He said Ginn’s sponsorship of the parade spoke to a growing trend of corporate entities contributing to the country’s major cultural experience. “More and more, it is clear that foreign investors who want to touch the lives of Bahamians are using Junkanoo, which touches a cross section of Bahamians.

Junkanoo transcends status and gender, and by sponsoring a group you touch every aspect of the Bahamian make-up,” Mr. Adderley said. He noted that Junkanoo has become more than just an event held for a few hours each year, but is an integral part of Bahamian life that foreign investors see as vital to embrace.

Mr. Adderley said corporate sponsorship in recent months included the Albany sponsorship of One Family, along with donations from John Bull; Dockendale’s sponsorship of the Fox Hill Congos; and Baha Mar’s ongoing five-year partnership with the Valley Boys. It was this spirit which led him to create the Feel the Rush Parades, which have also had a major impact on the economy.

Source: The Tribune


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