How A Bus Driver Made A Difference


Posted by: travadmin on Feb 03, 2004 – 07:05 PM
newsandinfo  A noble and honest bus driver made the stay of an engaged (now married) tourist couple one to remember.
Over the Christmas holiday, Prince Strachan driver of route 10 jitney found lost luggage at the back of his bus. After realizing that the bag was left in the bus by someone, he opened it to find out information about who it belonged to.

Upon opening the bag, he saw tickets, a driver’s , a marriage license, traveler’s cheques and cash inside. He looked for further information regarding where the couple might have been staying and learnt that they were at Radisson Cable Beach Hotel.

When Strachan called the hotel, Mr. Griffin, the owner of the luggage was in the lobby with his fiancé’ hoping for the good news that his bag had been found.

Before returning the luggage, Strachan called the hotel and identified himself to the owner and assured him that he would receive his luggage that same day. Strachan carried the luggage to the owner and asked him to make sure that everything he left in the bag was there. “He was literally in tears,” said Strachan.

Strachan said, “He needed the documents because they were getting married the next day.” In appreciation of Strachan good deeds, Griffin gave him $250 and invited him to their wedding, which Strachan says he was truly grateful for. He told the tourist couple, “It, isn’t about the money, it’s all about the Bahamian experience. Helping you when you need to be helped so you can have a wonderful time while you are here in the Bahamas.” He told the couple writing to the Ministry of Tourism informing them of people like himself how our concern for the well being of the visitor would be the greatest gift for his work.

He advises bus drivers who are directly associated with tourists daily to do what is required of them and to always obey the law. “A good job bring forth a good result,” He said. “I feel that if I do something good you tell other people, but if I do bad, you tell me so that I can do better.” Strachan hopes that other drivers and Bahamians would follow in his footsteps and try to be honest and fair with others.

He feels that it is hard to maintain a good standard when people have a general attitude towards bus drivers. Strachan said, “People would look at me and automatically say, ‘oh he is a bus driver, he aint no good’ or whatever.”

Strachan is proud that he returned the luggage to its rightful owner. “I could have said ‘hey this money’ and take it but it wouldn’t mean anything…it’s all about making a difference and making the tourists feel like they are home away from home.” He feels that there are other countries that tourist could visit so making their stay in The Bahamas one in a million is important.

The Ministry of Tourism is grateful for what Strachan did during the Christmas season. Jewel Smith, assistant manager of visitor relations department at the Ministry said, ” I feel very proud of what Mr. Strachan did for the visitors and he is just an example of how many more people out there who are positive and willing to make the Bahamas look good.”

In regards to the recent conflict between taxi cab drivers and tour bus operators last week, Smith said ” The majority of people who work in the transportation area are polite and caring people who are concerned about the success of the tourism industry and The Bahamas. They realize that there are other ways to settle disputes.” She added, “We are hoping that with the Smart Training Programme, we’ll be able to sensitize all of our personnel who work in the tourism industry of the importance of conducting themselves in a civil manner and know how to control their anger.”

By Felicia Newchuch
Guardian Student Writer


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