Bahamas Recipes: Grilled Red Snapper

Bahamas Recipes: Grilled Red SnapperBahamas Recipes

Grilled Red Snapper

Grilled Red Snapper

Grilling snapper makes for a quick, easy and delicious meal.

6 snapper filets (or similar fish)
  Salt and pepper to taste
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
2-3 lemons, thinly sliced
1/2 cup butter
  Hickory chips, soaked in water

Season filets with salt and pepper. In saucepan, melt butter, add garlic and cook 1-2 minutes.

Arrange half the lemon slices in a shallow baking dish, add fish in a single layer and put remaining lemon slices on top. Pour seasoned butter over fish.  

Add Hickory chips to slow coals, place dish on heavy-duty foil atop grill and close hood (make a tent with the foil if you do not have a covered grill).

Cook until fish flakes easily with a fork, 15-20 minutes. Baste occasionally with butter.

Serves 6.

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