New Registration Allows Boaters To Cruise Through Customs


Posted by: Editor on Nov 07, 2006 – 10:40 AM
boating  Under a new government program, boaters will be allowed to return from a foreign country without having to submit to interviews by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The Local Boater Option program allows boaters in the Miami, Tampa, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands areas to register with the border protection agency. They will provide information about themselves and their vessel and receive a personal registration number.

When returning from a foreign port, the registered boater simply has to notify the customs office and in most cases can bypass a face-to-face interview. All passengers on the vessel must also be registered.

“This is going to be primarily for the real frequent traveler,” agency spokesman Zachary Mann said. “They’ll be able to call in. It’ll make it easier and more convenient.”

Previously, recreational boaters or fishermen returning from the Bahamas or other foreign countries had to call the customs office upon their return and present themselves and their crew and passengers for an interview within 24 hours.

Besides easing travel for boaters, the program frees officers for more important duties.

“It allows us more manpower to focus on targeting people who may be involved in criminal activity,” Mann said. Boaters may make an appointment to register for the program by calling 800-432-1216 or 800-451-0393.

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel


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