Sharks On Film


Posted by: Editor on Jan 18, 2007 – 01:03 PM
newsandinfo  For most of us, the sheer mention of sharks evokes a deep-seeded fear, accompanied by the thought of the terrifying, bone-chilling theme song from Steven Spielberg’s classic horror flick “Jaws.”
Those mysterious, fear-provoking creatures are the subjects of yet another film, this time in “The Blue Realm – Shark Business,” which will be presented at 2 p.m. Saturday at Caltech.

As part of Caltech’s family-oriented “Science Saturdays” series, this high-definition film explores the mystique and myths around dangerous lemon, bull and great white sharks with controversial behaviorist Dr. Erich Ritter. “Shark Business” spans the globe from South Africa
to the Bahamas capturing action-packed moments, including a whirlwind shark feeding frenzy and the events that lead to Dr. Ritter’s nearly fatal attack.

The film also shows the boundaries of shark-human interaction being tested, where divers bravely swim outside cages amongst some of the world’s most dangerous sharks.

Tracy Spicer
Pasadena Weekly


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