Tourism Ministry Appoints Director Of Romance


Posted by: Editor on Sep 17, 2006 – 12:33 PM
newsandinfo  Her position, which the BMT said is the first of its kind within a tourism office in the Caribbean, will provide a link between hotels, resorts, facilities, vendors and suppliers to ensure seamless and stress-free planning for any romantic occasion.

From liaising with the Bahamas Bridal Association and affiliated wedding coordinators to staying current with romance-specific hotel packages in the Bahamas, Madrisotti will serve as the gatekeeper to all things romantic.
In her role she also will work with some of the smaller hotels to support wedding programs that incorporate non-traditional venues and services.
“We are pleased to tap Madrisotti as the ministry’s first director of romance,” stated Vernice Walkine, director-general, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism. “Each of our islands presents an array of romantic alternatives and in this new position Madrisotti will provide a seamless connection among our partners.”
A native of the Bahamas, Madrisotti began her career in human resources, working in the Bahamas financial industry. She then spent 17 years in Europe, in public and private sector enterprises in the Channel Islands, France and the U.K. A focus on evolving markets led Madrisotti to research the development and coordination of weddings and honeymoon experiences for European couples.

Travel Weekly


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